What is imperialism | Definition, History, Examples, & Facts of imperialism


Imperialism is when powerful nations or peoples seek to extend and maintain control or influence over weaker nations or peoples. Scholars frequently use this term more restrictively: some associate imperialism solely with the economic expansion of the capitalist states; others reserve it for European expansion after 1870. Although imperialism is similar in meaning to colonialism, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

What is imperialism, Definition, History, Examples, & Facts of imperialism


Imperialism started in ancient times, and throughout history, it has taken many forms. Some forms/terms are most commonly used during a specific time in history. In the ancient world, imperialism was characterized by great empires emerging from one civilization and religion that attempted to control others through a unified system of domination. The empires of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire are salient examples. In this period, many states established political control over territories in South & Southeast Asia and the New World. Imperial systems were organized according to the doctrine of mercantilism: Each imperial state attempted to control the trade of its colonies, to monopolize the benefits of that trade. In the mid-19th the imperialism of free trade appeared. The practice continued during this period despite a decline in mercantilism and formal empire-building. European power and influence, especially that of the British, was expanded primarily through diplomacy and economics, rather than formal colonization. By the end of the 19th century, European powers resumed imperialism in the form of overseas territorial annexation, expanding into Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.

Since the end of World War II, when most of the formal empire empires were dissolved, what might be called modern economic imperialism has come to predominate. Control is exercised less formally and more suitably. The United States exerts significant influence over certain developing nations (Third World Nations) due to its economic power and dominance of international financial organizations such as the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Motives Behind Imperialism 

States throughout history have pursued imperialism for economic, political, and ideological reasons. Theories of imperialism similarly classify motives as primary.

  • Economic explanations of imperialism are widespread. Supporters of this perspective argue that states are compelled to control other states due to the desire to expand their economies. They seek to acquire raw materials, and additional sources of labor, and establish outlets for surplus capital and markets for surplus goods.

  • The most prominent economic theories that associate imperialism with capitalism are based on the works of Karl Marx. Lenin, for instance, argued that the expansion of Europe during the late 19th century was an inevitable consequence of the European capitalist economies' need to export surplus capital. Similarly, contemporary Marxists explain the postwar expansion of the U.S. into the Third World in terms of economic imperatives.

  • Alternatively, some argue that imperialism is primarily motivated by states' desire for power, prestige, security, and diplomatic advantages vis-a-vis other states.

  • Late 19th-century French imperialism aimed to restore France's international prestige after it suffered a humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. Similarly, the expansion of the Soviet Union into Eastern Europe after 1945 can be explained as a necessary security measure to protect the nation from potential invasions across its western border.

  • The reasons for imperialism can be categorized into three sets of explanations, one of which is ideological or moral motives. According to this viewpoint, states are compelled to engage in imperialism due to their political, cultural, or religious beliefs, which leads to imperialism being seen as a "missionary activity". For instance, Britain's colonial empire was partly motivated by the notion that it was the "white man's burden" to civilize the "backward" peoples. Similarly, Germany's expansion under Hitler was largely based on the belief in the inherent superiority of German national culture. The United States' desire to "protect the free world" and the former Soviet Union's desire to "liberate" the peoples of Eastern Europe and the Third World are also examples of imperialism driven by moral and ideological concerns.

  • Some explanations of imperialism do not focus on the motives of powerful states. Instead, they suggest that powerful states may not intend to expand, but may be forced to do so due to instability on the periphery. In such cases, new imperial actions result from past imperial commitments. Reactive imperialism is exemplified by the British conquest of India and the Russian colonization of Central Asia in the 19th century.

The Effects of Imperialism

Imperialism is often associated with economic motivations, and therefore, discussions about its effects tend to focus on economic issues. There is a disagreement between those who believe that imperialism leads to exploitation and causes economic stagnation in poor nations and those who argue that while rich nations benefit from imperialism, poor nations also benefit in the long run. 

  • It has been challenging to determine the truth about exploitation for two primary reasons. 

  •   Firstly, there is no agreement on what the term "exploitation" means.

  •  Secondly, it is often difficult to distinguish between the causes of poverty within a country and those that may be international.


It is challenging to determine the political and psychological impacts of imperialism. Imperialism has proved to be both destructive and creative. It has destroyed traditional institutions and ways of thinking while replacing them with the habits and mentality of the Western world. For better or worse, imperialism has both positive and negative effects.

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